Team India captain MS Dhoni said that cricketing fable Sachin Tendulkar deserve the honour of being confer the Bharat Ratna award for his services to the nation for over two decades. “Sachin deserve the Bharat Ratna. He has served the country for 21 years and would do so for a few more,” Dhoni said.
The World Cup winning captain told a press meeting on Wednesday that Tendulkar deserve the award more than any other competitor in the country today and if did not get it, no cricketer would ever merit to get it.
Earlier, Maharashtra Assembly adopt a resolution on Tuesday, seeking India`s highest national award for Sachin Tendulkar. The state assembly generally recommended to the Central Government that Sachin be accessible the Bharat Ratna.
"The Maharashtra Assembly has commonly resolute that Sachin must be awarded the Bharat Ratna for his activities," said Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan.
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